A List of Stuff You Need In Order To Survive Outdoors
If you’re a person who loves to go camping or hiking in places where you literally don’t get the usual conveniences of living, then it only means you should be carrying with you a survival gear all the time. So before you go out there, you must know what your survival kit must contain.
1 – Knife
Going to camping without a knife as part of your outdoor survival gear with you is simply dumb. A knife isn’t just for kitchen use; it in fact is an essential part of any survival gear. The reason why you can’t go out there without it is because it can do so many things that other outdoor survival gear and tools cannot. This includes cutting rope, opening cans, building a shelter, preparing food, and cutting cloth and bandages.
2 – Cordage
There’s no denying that rope is an essential part of any type of DIY survival gear. The fact is it almost is impossible to survive out there in a remote place or in the wild if you don’t have a rope with you or if you don’t know how to make one. You see, rope is actually as important as a knife because without it, you cannot in anyway build a stable temporary shelter, making splints, lash poles, keep food together, climb, and make traps for animals.
3 – Water Container
This one right here needs no explanation. Anyway, a normal person can survive days even without food, so long as there is water. That’s why if you plan on surviving out there, you must endure bringing with you a water bottle or any other container that can store water for drinking. You need to understand that not all water you get access to outdoors is clean.
4 – Signaling Device
Once you find yourself in a survival situation after camping and there seems to be no one else around, it means that one of your primary objectives is to look for ways to contact people. Bear in mind that if you let several days slip away without making the effort to make contact, your chances of being rescued will substantially decrease. For you to be sure you have the ability to contact people for a possible rescue, you have to always bring with you a signaling device. A mirror, whistle, and anything that can produce light will be of great help. Any signaling equipment must be considered as an essential tactical survival gear that you can’t afford to forget bringing.
In the end, one article wouldn’t be enough to list all the other essential things you should be bringing if you really want to survive out there, regardless of how challenging and dire the survival scenario is.