Things You Need To Know About How Corn, Wheat And Soy In A Dog Food Can Affect Your Dog
As much as we take good care of ourselves and the people that we love by making sure that what we are eating and what we let them eat, are healthy and nutritious that what the body needs to have, we also make certain that we also provide the same care and attention to the kinds of dogs that we have. It is important and vital to know the reality of how corn, wheat and soy in dog food and treats functions on the body of the dogs as well as how they put an impact on the lives of every dogs that you may have.
Dog owners want the best for their dogs but they are not totally informed in choosing a dog food that is healthy that they should avail because what they are after of, is the percentage of protein that it actually has wherein, as a matter of fact, protein doesn’t really take part as to making sure that their dogs are whether eating the right kind of food and how this food greatly affect the lives of their dogs.
There are some dog food that are unhealthy or even worse. It is about time to be educated as to taking wise decisions in choosing the kind of dog food that should be eaten by your dogs and making sure that they are not consuming the harmful ones.
People have heard about or even searched for the effects of wheat gluten and it has been one of the top controversies that greatly affect the life of a dog, a lot of dog owners are not aware on the kind of ingredients that a certain dog food carries and most of the dog owners don’t have any idea as how this unhealthy dog food creates contamination which is even worse on the consumption of a dog. It was on the year of 2007 wherein there was a dog food that contained a wheat gluten in China that created a big issue that most people could not even forget up until this year. With further investigations as to how this wheat gluten were being contaminated, the United States of America as well as the experts from Australia, took proper study on this case and it turned out that those pets and livestock that were being fed with gluten, created a massive number of melamine that resulted to their death. Melamine is used to fire however, it can be deadly if it being consumed. The Federal Government found out on February 2008, that the people behind this crime were the two Chinese nationals a businessman from the United States of America. The suspects said that they are conscious and they actually know the causes and effects of their product, but they didn’t bother to think on the consequences because of their drive to earn a lot of money.